Area B Vice President

Ellen Ansok

It is an honor to serve as your Area B Vice President. As the Area B Vice President, I aim to get to know as many members of Area B as possible.

Goals for the next two years are:

  • To visit all Area B districts and as many clubs as possible;
  • To get to know our members’ strengths, interests, and concerns;
  • Establish an open line of communication with all district presidents;
  • To work with the districts and clubs of Area B to increase and retain members;
  • To assist districts and clubs with having meaningful and exciting meetings;
  • To improve communication between CFWC, clubs and districts; and to make clubs and districts more aware of what the California Federation can offer to them;
  • To assist in increasing attendance at district meetings;
  • Encourage all members to attend the CFWC Area Conferences, CFWC Conventions, GFWC Western States Regional Conferences, and GFWC National Conventions;
  • Seek assistance from the CFWC Leadership Committee and the Communications & Public Relations Committee to help districts and clubs with their leadership, communications and marketing needs.

The Membership Committee within each club and district has several responsibilities that should include keeping members involved, mentoring leadership, and keeping abreast of changing member needs. Often, it is the Membership Committee that meets prospective members and shares information about the club or district. Always remember to be kind, engaged, and enthusiastic when speaking to prospective members and your members.

I look forward to serving members as the Area B Vice President.

Set Sail With the MemberSHIP Crew!